Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Mick Mather Opening

WHO: Mick Mather

WHAT: "The Great New York State Fair Series" an exhibition of digital prints - manipulated
photographs taken at The Fair in August 2004

view the invitation post card

WHERE: The Westcott Community Center Art Gallery, corner of Wetscott Street at Euclid Avenue

WHEN: Saturday, October 1st, 6:00pm to 8:00pm

WHY: Because we ALL need an ART NIGHT

HOW: Drive, walk, hitchhike, catch a cab, ride the bus

MICK SEZ: "Most of you who know me already understand that I'm an active participant in the
arts & cultural community of Central New York. This is important to me and I would like to
think that my presence at your exhibitions and openings over the years was been important to
you. In the spirit of strengthening this community of artists, patrons, friends and all those
interested in the arts, I trust that you will take an hour to visit me and my artwork on
October 1st." Posted by Picasa